Author: Piper

The Harm of “Agree to Disagree”: Why LGBTQ+ Youth Need More than Tolerance

When you refuse to accept your LGBTQ+ child or grandchild, you are not just disagreeing with them. You are denying them their basic human right to be who they are. You are telling them that they are not worthy of love and respect simply because of who they love or how they identify. And when you cling to the “agree to disagree” mindset, you are actively choosing to prioritize your own discomfort or disapproval over your child or grandchild’s well-being.

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Fighting Back Against Transphobia and Disinformation Campaigns: The Urgent Need for Education and Awareness

Join the fight against disinformation and transphobia by educating yourself and others, supporting transgender individuals facing discrimination, and holding those responsible accountable. Let’s work towards a more just and equitable world for everyone.

“Until we all can stand together, we will continue to be picked off one by one.” – Harvey Milk

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Montana House Tables Bill to Ban Trans Panic Defense

The Montana House of Representatives has tabled a bill that would prevent defendants from using the trans panic defense in criminal proceedings. The bill, HB 552, was introduced by Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the first openly transgender person elected to the Montana legislature. The trans panic defense is a legal strategy that asks a jury to find that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant’s violent reaction, including murder. This defense legitimizes and excuses violent and lethal behavior against members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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