Author: Piper

Celebrating Transgender Contributions and Raising Awareness: A Look at Transgender Observances

Transgender individuals continue to face discrimination and challenges in their daily lives. To promote greater understanding and acceptance, several observances have been established to honor the transgender community and highlight their struggles. From Trans Awareness Month and Transgender Day of Remembrance in November to Transgender Day of Visibility in March, read on to learn more about these important observances and how they help to raise awareness of the ongoing fight for transgender rights.

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Why Being ‘Woke’ Is Actually a Good Thing: Debunking Conservative Media’s Slur

n recent years, the term “woke” has become a flashpoint in American political discourse. Conservative media outlets have appropriated the term as a way to discredit anyone who advocates for social justice and equality. But the truth is that being “woke” is about recognizing the reality of social and political inequalities, and working to address them. In this post, we debunk the negative connotations of the term and explain why being “woke” is actually a good thing.

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How Tabloid Talk Shows in the 80s, 90s, and Early 2000s Contributed to the Poor Representation of Transgender Individuals

Tabloid talk shows were a staple of daytime television in the United States, but they also had a dark side. They perpetuated negative stereotypes about transgender individuals and contributed to a climate of fear and misunderstanding that made it difficult for this community to advocate for their rights. This article explores how these shows contributed to the marginalization of transgender individuals and the impact it has had on the trans community at large.

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The Stonewall Riots: The Need for Change in the LGBTQ+ Community

The Stonewall Riots marked a turning point in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. They sparked a national conversation about the treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals, and helped to galvanize the LGBTQ+ rights movement. In this article, we explore the need for change in the LGBTQ+ community, and how the Stonewall Riots were a critical moment in the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Join us as we remember the past, celebrate the present, and continue the fight for equality and justice for all.

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